Use of   COMMAND

Using this command you can give as much space as you want between text . &nbsp means amrersand next before spave.


<TITLE> Example of space between text</TITLE>
Learn &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp HTML &nbsp &nbsp and  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp make &nbsp &nbsp your own &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp website

&nbs Example

If you do not know how to save your program then please visit another post to save it. That post link is Lets Start

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Best of Luck


By using this tag you can give different types of heading in your web page. From H1 to H6, there are 6 levels. By the number 1 you can easily imagine H1 is the biggest heading and H6 is the smallest. The format of this tag is :


<TITLE> Example of Heading</TITLE>
<H1>Learn HTML and make own website</H1>
<H2>Learn HTML and make own website</H2>
<H3>Learn HTML and make own website</H3>
<H4>Learn HTML and make own website</H4>
<H5>Learn HTML and make own website</H5>
<H6>Learn HTML and make own website</H6>


If you do not know how to save your program then please visit another post to save it. That post link is Lets Start

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Best of Luck