If you are using Windows xp or
Windows seven operating system then simply go to all programs and select
accessories and then notepad. Like:
Start=>All programs=>Accessories=> Notepad
If you are using Windows 8 then move your cursor to the corner of the right side and click on search, then type notepad and then select it.
Start=>All programs=>Accessories=> Notepad
If you are using Windows 8 then move your cursor to the corner of the right side and click on search, then type notepad and then select it.
Then type the following codes
1st Program
We are Learning HTML
Now Click on fine and then save as
File Name program1.html (Just write this way) and then click save
Now go to the location where u keep
it and then double click it. You will see this type of page
Describing the coding:
Look the codes starts with
<HTML> and end with </HTML>. Inside the HTML Tag there is to other
tags called HEAD and BODY.. Normally we use head tag for some sort of
Headlines, and inside the BODY tag we put our desire output.
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