List Element (Attribute with Ordered List)

In earlier post we have seen List element with out any attribute and that was the reason it took 1,2,3.. etc as default. We can set from which number the list element will start.


<OL Start="Number">.....</OL>

Now we will rewite the same code as earlier programe and use the new tag

<Title> List Element Example</Title>
    <H1> 3 Angle Software</H1>
    <P> <STRONG> Courses in 3 Angle Software</STRONG></P>
            <LI>Programming in C
            <LI>Programming in C++
            <LI>Visual Programming
            <LI>Java Programming
            <LI>Web Designing
    <P> Multimedia Courses</P>
        <OL START="6">
            <LI>Graphics Courses
            <LI>Editing Courses
            <LI>2D Animation Courses
Now we need to save this as we did earlier and then if we run it we will get a result like bellow image

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Feel free to share if it helped you. Best of Luck

LIST Element

We covered few elements to make a web page. Now we will learn how to use LIST Element.

This is an example of List Element

We use this type of list in different purposes, such as Dictionary, Telephone guide, Address book, price list etc. We will learn different type of tags for Listing. There are mainly 3 types of LIST tag.

1. <OL> or listing with Number
2. <UL> of Unordered or bullet
3. <LI> this is used with  <OL> or <UL>

Except this there are Menu, Directory list, we will learn all gradually.

Ordered List

In this list we can use 1,2,3 or A,B,C etc type of number to make list. this is why it also called as Numbered list. 

Format: <OL> ....... </OL>  and Items are divided with <LI>

Ordered List Example

<Title> List Element Example</Title>
    <H1> 3 Angle Software</H1>
    <P> <STRONG> Courses in 3 Angle Software</STRONG></P>
            <LI>Programming in C
            <LI>Programming in C++
            <LI>Visual Programming
            <LI>Java Programming
            <LI>Web Designing
    <P> Multimedia Courses</P>
            <LI>Graphics Courses
            <LI>Editing Courses
            <LI>2D Animation Courses

Now you have to go and save it like we did earlier, if you forgot please check here.  
 Now run it, you will get output like bellow image 

List Element Example

As there is no attribute in the <LI> so it will take 1,2,3.. etc by default

It will continue..

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Feel free to share if it helped you. Best of Luck

Horizontal Line Element

With this tag you can draw Horizontal line under document. Only in special occasion we need to use this one, for example after contact us details.

Format: <HR>


<Title> Horizontal Line Element Example</Title>
        3 Angle Softwares
        Scottsdale, Arizone, 85002

Save it, and then run  your program, If you dont know how to save then flow instruction here

Result should be like this 

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Feel free to share if it helped you. Best of Luck

Keyboard Shotcuts for Windows and Mac OS

Keyboard shortcuts are often used in modern operating System and computer Software programs.

Basic Shortcuts

Mac OS
Edit Menu
Alt + E
File Menu
Alt + F
Ctrl +F2 +E
View Menu
Alt + V
Select All Text
Copy Text
Cmd + C
Find Text
Ctrl + F
Cmd + F
Find and Replace Text
Ctrl + H
Cmd + F
New Document
Ctrl + N
Cmd + N
Open a File
Ctrl + O
Cmd + O
Print Option
Ctrl + P
Cmd + P
Save File
Ctrl + S
Cmd+ S
Paste Text
Ctrl + V
Cmd + V
Cut Text
Ctrl + X
Cmd + X
Redu Text
Ctrl + Y
Shift + Cmd + Z
Undo Text
Ctrl + Z
Cmd + Z

Use of   COMMAND

Using this command you can give as much space as you want between text . &nbsp means amrersand next before spave.


<TITLE> Example of space between text</TITLE>
Learn &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp HTML &nbsp &nbsp and  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp make &nbsp &nbsp your own &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp website

&nbs Example

If you do not know how to save your program then please visit another post to save it. That post link is Lets Start

I hope this will help you to understand, practice it and if you found any problem let me know in comment or email me in Best of Luck