Revision 0.0.1

Today we are going to revise all the things we learn so far. We will write all the tags in a single page. So far we learnt how to BOLD, or ITALIC or UNDERLINE a text.  Then we learn how to BLINK and SUPERSCRIP SUBSCRIPT. We are going to see all them again. So first of all we have to open a new Notepad. and then start writing

We Learn how to BOLD a text and <B> this is BOLD text</B> and then we learn how to use ITALIC,<I> its looks like this</
I>, and then we learn UNDERLINE and we will underline the important things like this<U>I am using UNDERLINE</U>, We learnt how to blink the text  and it works like <BLINK>I am Programmer</BLINK>. and at last we learnt SUBSCRIPT and SUPERSCRIP and they are interesting like H<SUB>2</SUB>O and a<SUP>2</SUP>b.

So far this was all we learnt. Hope you are enjoying. If any problem don't hesitate to contact with me.


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