Main Seletors in CSS

There are lots of selectors in CSS but here are 4 main selectors your might need.

Example with description:
Select all the classes with name ="intro"
Example with description:
Select all the element id="firstname"


Example with description:
Select all <p>/<H>elements.

element element
<div> <p>
Example with description:
Select all <p> inside a <Div>

There are lot more selectors, Will add those soon

Video Tag

This is a new tag for HTML 5. This tag might not work in older browsers. We need some attributes for this tag, Source, Type, Width ,Height and Control. We need to tell the browser where is the source of the video and the type, what type of video the browser should expect. We must control attribute otherwise we can not play the video properly. The tag is



<!DOCTYPE html>

       <meta charset="utf-8"  />
       <title>Video Tag</title>


           <video width="640" height="360" controls>
           <source src="gameplay.mp4" type="video/mp4">

If you can see this , you need to update your browser.


We can use some other controls to start auto play when  browser loads and loop to play video over and over again

 <video width="640" height="360" controls autoplay loop>

Just let me know if you have any question 

HTML Attributes

All HTML elements can have Attributes. Attributes provides additional information about the element.  Attributes are always specified at the start of tag.

The lang Attribute

The language of the document can be declared in <html> tag. The language is declared with lang attribute. Declaring a language is important for accessibility application. and search engines.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang ="en-US">

A few new tags to learn

There are a lot more tags, but we will just cover few more for now, mostly straightforward to use and you can see the effect in your web page when you use them:

<q> - The q tag is for quote. This has no relationship to the somewhat confusing sing and double quote character, rather it's used when you want to quote a person or written work in your web pag. It is customarily displayed using quotation marks, again unrelated to strings. thus <q>Brevity is beautiful</q>

 <blockquote> - If you want to quote a larger passage, you may want to use blockquote , which will typically set the quoted text apart from the surrounding text and indent it, to make clear that it is quoted text.

Early to bed and early to rise, makes someone healthy, wealthy and wise-Benjamin Franklin
 <hr> - This one might be debatable, HR originally stood for "Horizontal Rule", i.e. horizontal line across width of the text. It's still there in HTML , but now is officially supposed to represent a "thematic break" in the content.